疫情没有国界,病毒不分种族,新冠肺炎疫情的全球蔓延,让“地球村”每个成员前所未有地意识到,我们的呼吸是如此息息相关,我们的命运是如此紧紧相连。4月3日,据最新统计数据,全球新冠肺炎确诊人数超过百万,疫情防控全球阻击战进入了更加严峻的阶段。 寒夜里唯有添薪取暖,方能保护共同的家园。骇浪中唯有同舟共济,才可抵达希望的彼岸。世界共担福祸,环球同此凉热。 让我们秉持人类命运共同体理念,守望相助、休戚与共,携手抗全人类共同的生命家园。我们相信,从危机中积蓄的团结力量更加珍贵,从磨难中走出的人间正道更加坚定,在寒夜中守护的人类光明必将焕发出更加恒久的光芒!
陈奕迅歌曲《Fight as ONE》歌词:
Fight as ONE (共同体的战斗) - 陈奕迅/蔡依林
出品Present by:云南广播电视台Yunnan Media Group
出品人General Producer:和亚宁 He Yaning
总策划General Creator:李茜 Li Qian
监制Supervisor:沈诗仪 Amy Shen
推广Promoter:袁友军 Tony Yuan
演唱Vocal:陈奕迅 Eason Chan/蔡依林 Jolin Tsai
作曲Composer:宋秉洋 Bingyang Song
填词Lyricists:Andrew Chu/Eric Kwok/Jerald Chan
译词Lyric Translation:李茜 Li Qian
It's a crowded street and there's no one there
Everyone is living in fear
With all the playgrounds I hear no laughters
Everyone has left in tears
Will there be hope when we wake up tomorrow?
If you believe that love is what we need
Will there be light when we're done with sorrows?
If you believe we need to fight together as one
It's a fight we cannot lose
It's a fight for you and me
A fight for everyone, no matter where you're from
It's alright we will not lose
It's alright for you and me
We're fighting for a better place to be
It's really not that bad if you think about it
For once the world has come together
Could've been much worse, you think about it
At least we're not fighting one another
There must be hope when we wake up tomorrow
When you believe that love is what we need
There must be light when we're done with sorrows
When you believe we need to fight together as one
It's a fight we cannot lose
It's a fight for you and me
A fight for everyone, no matter where you're from
It's alright we will not lose
It's alright for you and me
We're fighting for a better place to be
It's a fight we cannot lose
It's a fight for you and me
Everyone, no matter where you're from
It's alright we will not lose
It's alright for you and me
We're fighting for a better place to be
We'll fight together......as ONE.
陈奕迅歌曲《Fight as ONE》试听有感:
蔡依林x陈奕迅合唱英文防疫单曲「Fight As One」 「It's a fight we cannot lose」 「It's a fight for you and me」 悲伤过后总会迎来光明 全世界一起加油
疫情的黑暗已见光的方向,春日里万物已然复苏,希望大家沐浴着春光继续努力奋斗,为生活,为自己!愿这个美丽的蓝色星球早日恢复往昔的繁荣,We're fighting together as one!
好惊喜呀,希望像歌里一样,我们共克时艰,不忘英雄的牺牲,也缅怀同胞的逝去,尽我所能帮助世界人民,携手起手来一起面对,we are one!生命之战,你我并肩!
一位是三次夺得金曲奖歌王的Eason,一位是第一位完成四大通类大满贯的Jolin,这两位超级巨星终于合作了! 在疫情面前,不分种族,我们是一个共同体,一起与疫情作斗争,一起为了我们这个共同体而斗争,谢谢#蔡依林##陈奕迅# !中国加油,世界加油! 我们一直都在[加油][拳头]